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Amazon Quarantine Activities

Wow. Just typing out that title has got my head spinning. The world has been flipped upside down since my last post about Spring entryway decorating. What I wouldn’t give to be care free and happily decorating for Easter right now. That was my planned content for you all this month, but for me it just feels strange right now. Maybe I will get to a place where I can find joy in decorating again, but as of now I’m not sure how much use that will be to anyone!

Like most of you, I find myself quarantined at home with two kids who need to be entertained. I have a six year old and a three year old, so missing out on the rest of the school year isn’t too terrible at their age, but my kids NEED a schedule and I wanted to figure out some sort of homeschool situation that wouldn’t put too much pressure on me but would also be fun for them. They’re young enough to not fully grasp the seriousness of the situation, but my plan right now is to keep them occupied with lots of distractions so that when they look back on this time they remember no fear but FUN!

All of this chaos has most definitely altered how I parent and see myself as a mother. It has forced me to step into the role of teacher and I’m seeing my kids from a whole new perspective! They are such curious and voracious learners and it has forced me to create new learning experiences for them. I’ve been noticing lately than any opportunity can be transformed into a learning experience! All of life’s “hurry ups” and “we’re going to be lates” have ceased for the time being, and it’s forcing us all to slow down and really connect with our loved ones and nature. I’m choosing to see this as a positive outcome of this horrible situation.

I wanted to share some of the things I’ve purchased on Amazon lately to help keep my kids occupied, from workbooks to nature activities. I’m trying not to stress too much about traditional school work. My older child loves her workbooks, but my three year old would rather get dirty and play, so I’m going to follow their lead!

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Let’s start with the school workbooks. I’ve really been liking these School Zone BIG workbooks. They are plenty big and will easily last for a long while. This is the main workbook my oldest is working on everyday. They come in various grades and subject matter focuses. Some of the stock might be limited but keep checking back on inventory!

| Preschool | Alphabet | Second Grade | Spelling Grades 1-3 | Kindergarten |

| Math Grades 1-2 | Mazes | Science Grades 2-3 |

I also picked up these flash cards and they are currently in stock! We do little mock math “tests” with them and my six year old thinks it’s a game. Really liking these so far!

| Time & Money 6 and up | Numbers 1-25 | Numbers 1-100 | Addition 0-12 | Alphabet | Sight Words |

| Spanish/English 4 Pack | Multiplication | Reading 4 Pack |

If you have a new or emerging reader in your house BOB Books are the best! They give my daughter so much confidence and she loves reading in bed at night all by herself. We’ve tried other new reader sets but these are hands down my favorite!

| Set 2 | Sight Words | Pre-Reading Skills | Set 3 | First Stories | Set 4 | Set 5 | Rhyming Words |

Next up is my daughter’s favorite sigh word workbook. She LOVES doing this and willingly asks to do it daily even after our “school hours” are over. After a few pages the activities become easy for her to do on her own!

Now let’s move on to what my kids see as fun activities, however there are plenty of learning opportunities for all of these activities. Lots of Science discussion for this one:

We’ve been seeing TONS of Monarch butterflies in our backyard daily. Hummingbirds are also starting to migrate back to SE Texas. We’re going to start a little butterfly and hummingbird garden that we can enjoy in our own backyard!

Next are a few arts and crafts activities:

And for the grown ups:

That’s it for links! Hopefully that was helpful and gave you some new ideas. Thank goodness for Amazon! We’re also getting out daily and going on long walks. My kids take “nature bags” (ziplocs) and collect interesting rocks, leaves, flowers, etc. and then come home and compare treasures. We’re also getting out and feeding the neighborhood ducks and turtles. Remember, you don’t have to spend a dime to get out and learn with your kiddos!

I’m not sure what my next posts will bring. This is such a crazy time for all of us. For now we’re going to hunker down and enjoy some quarantine forced family bonding time!

Wishing you and your families health and happiness 🙂

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